Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Where did January go?

I cannot believe that January is almost gone, where did the time go?
After not having much snow, January finally brought us the white stuff. We had a little on New Years...but it was such little that Olivia was able to take her new purple bike outside and take it for a test spin. She really liked that, but kept asking us when she could use her purple sled. We waited and waited, then the snow came. Olivia really liked going sledding with her dad and playing at the park. We then got a blast of cold air...temps below zero and I saw my first no school day. I was happy for this, as for those of you who don't know, I am expecting and mornings have been a little more difficult for me, so it was nice to stay at home. The weather finally warmed up a little, Olivia kept asking for us to "buy more snow" and she got her wish, because today we had our second no school day, and we saw close to a foot of snow. Olivia was again happy to be out playing in the snow. Dale had a lot of help snowblowing...betweeen Buddy following behind him, Olivia helping him push, and our next door neighbor also following him, he got the job done!

We hope everyone has been enjoying the new year so far and staying warm!

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